Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage with Zainab bint Khuzaimah

Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage with Zainab bint Khuzaimah ~ Hi all readers! In this article, I will explain the rewards for humanity behind the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad and the woman who was nicknamed “the mother of the poor.” bin ‘Amir bin Sha’sha’ah bin Mu’awiyah bin Bakr bin Hauzan bin Manshur bin Ikrimah bin Khafshah bin Qais ‘Ailan.

prophet muhammad's marriage with zainab bint khuzaimah, prophet muhammad, prophet muhammad's marriage, zainab bint khuzaimah,

The mother of Zainab is Hindun binti ‘Auf bin Harits bin Hamathah. But another opinion said that her mother was Khaulah bin Auf bin Harith bin Hamathah. There are differences of opinion among Muslim historians.

Apart from differences of opinion among Muslim historians there are also differences among them about Zainab binti Khuzaiman’s husband before she married the Prophet Muhammad. The differences of opinion are as follows;

One; She was the wife of Thufail bin Harith bin Abdul Muttallib. They then divorced. After that, she married ‘Ubaidah bin Harits bin Abdul Muttallib who died in the battle of Badr. After that, the Prophet Muhammad married her. Some Muslim scholars who say this opinion is Ibn Sayyidin Nas, al-Muhibb ath-Tabari, and Bintu Syathi’.

  •  was the wife of Thufail bin Harith bin Abdul Muttallib. They then divorced. After that the Prophet Muhammad married her. This was the opinion of Tabari and Ibn Abdil Barr.
  • She was the wife of Jahim bin Amru bin Harith. After that she became a wife ‘Ubaidah. ‘Ubaidah then died in the Battle of Badr. After that the Prophet Muhammad married her.
  • She was the wife of Abdullah bin Jahsy who died in the battle of Uhud. She contains. But after her husband’s death she miscarried. After her period ‘Iddah is finished the Prophet Muhammad married her in the same year.

There are differences of opinion among Muslim scholars about the Prophet’s marriage year with Zainab bint Khuzaimah. Bintu Syathi’ and ash-Syaikh al-Khadlari said that the marriage took place in the year 3 hijria. Whereas Dr. Muhammad bin Muhammad Abu Syahbab said that the marriage was inaugurated in the 4th year of Hijria.

When the Prophet Muhammad proposed to Zainab bint Khuzaimah, she was 30 years old. Their marriage was both led by Qubaishah bin Amru al-Hilali. Prophet Muhammad gave her dowry of 400 Dirhams. Another opinion said that the dowry was 500 dirhams. Their household did not last long. Not long after that she died. There are differences of opinion about the period of their household; some say two months, some say three months, and some say eight months.

So, what is the motive of the Prophet Muhammad to marry Zainab bint Khuzaimah?

Historical study data say that the Prophet Muhammad married Zainab bint Khuzaimah for two reasons;

  • Because her love and unfortunately to poor people. This first point seems to explain that humanity must be rewarded with a higher good. I did not see any higher kindness for the women at that time as the wife became the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, the lover of Allah Ta’ala.
  • As a tribute to her ex-husband who has died.

Although Zainab bint Khuzaimah did not accompany the Prophet Muhammad for a long time, but if we examine the history of her life, we will find that she is a very kind woman. She really loves poor people. She often gave them food and gave alms to them. That’s why she got the nickname “mother of the poor”. The nickname is another great nickname besides the nickname “mother of the Believers” which she got because she had become his wife.

Thus, Zainab bint Khuzaimah died carrying three honors at once; honor as one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, the honor of the poor, and honor as the mother of the believers. She died in 4 hijria at the age of thirty. He blessed her. She was buried at Baqi cemetery. She was his wife who died after Khadijah bint Khualid.

May Allah’s mercy and forgiveness be poured out on Zainab bint Khuzaimah, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, the mother of the poor, and the mother of the believers. Amen

I think that is enough for this article. May be useful! Amen!

See you again in the next article!


We can also find the information above in, Ali Yusuf as-Subki, Zaujaatu an-Nabiy ath-Thaahiraat wa Hikmatu Ta’addudihinna, al-Imaan Publishing, Cairo, p. 121-124 and 244. 

Akhmad Syafiuddin
Akhmad Syafiuddin Muslim. Graduate of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

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