People Who Wrote Quran | The Explanation You're Looking For

People Who Wrote Quran ~ Hi all readers! Prophet Muhammad became the Prophet and Messenger of Allah for twenty-three years. During this time Allah also revealed the Quran to him through the intermediary angel Gabriel. The Quran was revealed to him gradually, not all at once.

In general, all of that is related to what he needs, although sometimes it is not, like the Qur’anic verse which explains the release of Aisha bint Abu Bakr from slander. All verses of the Quran revealed to the Prophet Muhammad were written. That is why the validity of the Quran is guaranteed.

Who Is Wrote Quran?

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One other important thing we must know before we discuss more people who wrote Quran, is that the Prophet Muhammad was “Ummi”. In general, the meaning of the word is “can not read and write”. In general, Arab society at that time was also the same. The majority of them only rely on memory and memorization. That is why the Prophet Muhammad chose a number of people who could read and write to codify the Quran, to write the Quran.

By the way, do you know how many people wrote the Quran at that time and who were they?

If we read historical data about it, such as the book “al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah” by Ibn Kathir, then we will find that the people in charge of writing the Quran are twenty-four people. They are all people that the Prophet Muhammad had chosen to do because of their abilities.

But what I need to say here, before I explain their names, is that the twenty-four people were not the people who wrote the Quran since the first time the Prophet Muhammad became the Prophet and Messenger of God, not since the first time the Prophet Muhammad received the Quran from Allah . Some of them had become enemies of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad made them the authors of the Quran after they converted to Islam.

Names of People Who Wrote the Quran

The twenty-four people who wrote the Quran at the time of the Prophet Muhammad as described by Ibn Kathir in “al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah” are as follows;

  1. Abu Bakr ash-Shidiq.
  2. Umar ibn Khattab.
  3. Uthman ibn Affan.
  4. Ali ibn Abi Talib.
  5. Aban ibn Said ibn Ash ibn Umaiyah.
  6. Ubaiy ibn Kaab ibn Qais ibn Ubaid al-Khazraji al-Ansari.
  7. Arqam ibn Abi Arqam.
  8. Thabit ibn Qais ibn Umaiyah.
  9. Ubaiy ibn Qab bin ibn Qais ibn Ubaid al-Khazraji al-Ansari.
  10. Arqam ibn Abi Arqam.
  11. Thabit ibn Qais bin Syamas al-Khazraji al-Ansari.
  12. Handhalah bin Rabi’ bin Shaifi bin Rabah.
  13. Khalid ibn Said bin Ash ibn Umaiyah.
  14. Khalid ibn Walid ibn Abdillah ibn Umar bin Makhzum.
  15. Zubair ibn Awam bin Khuwailid ibn Asad ibn Abdul Uzza ibn Qushai.
  16. Zaid ibn Thabit ibn Dlahak.
  17. As-Sijl.
  18. Saad ibn Abi Sarah.
  19. Amir ibn Fahira.
  20. Abdullah ibn Arqam ibn Abi Arqam al-Makhzumi.
  21. Abdullah ibn Zaid ibn Abdi Rabbihi al-Anshari al-Khazraji.
  22. Abdullah ibn Saad ibn Abi Sarah.
  23. Ala’ ibn Al-Makhzumi.
  24. Abdullah ibn Zaid ibn Abdi Rabbihi al-Anshari al-Khazraji.
  25. Abdullah ibn Saad ibn Abi Sarah, Ala’ ibn al-Hadhrami.
  26. Ala’ ibn Uqbah, Muhammad ibn Maslamah ibn Jaris.
  27. Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan.
  28. Mughirah ibn Syu’bah.

They are all people who wrote the Quran at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Maybe now you are wondering, who are they? Of course the answer to that question is another discussion that I must explain in a different article, not here. Why?

Of course, because explaining the biography of twenty-four people requires a lot of data, and it would feel very heavy if I have to explain here. But I want to say here, that there are five of the twenty-four people above who have become leaders of the Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad. The five people were Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan.

All Readers! That is a brief explanation of the people who wrote Quran. Do you understand? If you want to ask, please ask!

I think that’s enough for this article. May be useful. Amen!

See you in the next article!

Akhmad Syafiuddin
Akhmad Syafiuddin Muslim. Graduate of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

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