How Many Hadith Qudsi Are There? Understanding the Total Count and Significance

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How Many Hadith Qudsi Are There? ~ Hi readers! In several previous articles, I have explained various aspects of Hadith Qudsi. In this article, I will discuss how many Hadith Qudsi there are. As Muslims, it is important for us to know this. That's why I wrote this article, and I encourage you to read it to the end!

How Many Hadith Qudsi Are There?

Before I delve further into the number of Hadith Qudsi, I want to share an important fact: there are not many references available for understanding Hadith Qudsi. Until now, relatively few Muslim scholars have written books specifically on this topic. Generally, Hadith Qudsi can only be found in Hadith collections. Therefore, to learn about Hadith Qudsi, we need to consult these Hadith books.

However, I consider myself fortunate. Before returning from Egypt to Indonesia, after completing my undergraduate studies at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, I attended an international book fair in Cairo. There, I discovered a book dedicated to Hadith Qudsi. I used this book as a reference while writing several articles on the subject. The book is titled "al-Ittihafaat as-Saniyyah fii al-Ahadiits al-Qudsiyyah," written by Muhammad al-Madani.

Read Also: Questions and Answers About Hadith Qudsi

In this book, it is explained that there are indeed some Muslim scholars who have compiled Hadith Qudsi. One notable scholar is Ali al-Qari, who passed away in 1025 Hijri. He reportedly recorded forty thousand Hadith Qudsi in his work.

However, my focus in this article is not on Ali al-Qari's work, as I found limited references to it. Instead, I aim to explain the number of Hadith Qudsi as presented in the book "al-Ittihafaat as-Saniyyah fii al-Ahadiits al-Qudsinya" by Muhammad al-Madani. This book includes an explanation of eight hundred and sixty-four (864) Hadith Qudsi. All the Hadith Qudsi contained within it are the result of extensive research across various Hadith sources. Therefore, I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about Hadith Qudsi.


Now, you might be wondering: how many Hadith Qudsi are there, actually?

In my opinion, there is no definitive answer to this question. Different scholars may provide varying explanations, as their research results can differ significantly. Thus, we can only state that this book specifies a certain number of Hadith Qudsi, while other books may indicate different quantities, and so on.

Dear readers! That concludes my brief explanation of "How many Hadith Qudsi are there." Do you understand? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

I believe that's all for this article. I hope you find it useful. Ameen!

See you again in the next article!

Akhmad Syafiuddin
Akhmad Syafiuddin Muslim. Graduate of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

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